Welcome to Virginia Association of Professional Soil Scientists!
Dedicated to Wise Land Resources Use & Management in the Commonwealth of Virginia
About Us
Dedicated to Wise Land Resources Use & Management in the Commonwealth of Virginia
VAPSS Mission: To recognize soils as a non-renewable natural resource and the practice of soil science as an interpretive science; to ensure a class of professionals exists that can properly utilize the large investment the Commonwealth of Virginia has made in the Soil Survey and to ensure the practice of soil science and evaluation meets established minimum standards of education, experience, ethical conduct and professional responsibility and to prevent abuses in the practice of soil science by untrained or unprincipled individuals.

Relevant, Important Updates
Dr. John Galbraith, Professor of Soil and Wetland Science and Extension Soil Specialist urges you to help in the establishment of a Virginia Tech Foundation endowment to support the "Soil Judgers".